Website and email updates kindly sponsored by Join us by the seaside in Bournemouth on 23-24 March 2023 for the 33rd AvMA Annual Clinical Negligence Conference (ACNC), the event for clinical negligence specialists! The very best medical and legal experts will ensure that you stay up to date with all the key issues, developments and (more…)
Upcoming Events
The annual meeting for AvMA Specialist Clinical Negligence Panel members provides the opportunity to meet, network and discuss the latest key developments and issues facing clinical negligence law. This year’s meeting will take place on the afternoon of Friday 2nd December. Registration and a networking lunch will commence at 12.30, with the meeting starting at (more…)
This event is now fully booked. Please e-mail if you would like to be added to the waiting list for tickets and we will contact you if any places become available. e-tickets and final details will be sent week commencing 14 November. Join us on the evening of Friday 2nd December 2022 at the Leonardo (more…)
In this session, Dr Damian Kelly will discuss cardiology litigation issues through a series of anonymised cardiology cases so you can get an overview of the frequent cardiology cases leading to litigation. Dr Kelly will cover: Introduction to Coronary artery disease ACS/NSTEMI/STEMI PCI and PPCI Negligence and Causation Litigation Case Histories Speaker: Dr Damian Kelly, Consultant (more…)
9 December 2021, 10:30-11:30am The session will cover: Delay in diagnosing Skin tumours Inflammatory conditions such as pyoderma gangrenosum Occupational dermatitis issues. Impact of Covid-19 in dermatology care Dr English is a Consultant Dermatologist at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. (more…)